worst thing: the summer weather, unbearably hot and humid; best thing: widespread tall poppy syndrome
no i do not find Gerard Butler's accent sexy, it's about as sexy as his face
i am the caterpillar from alice in wonderland
Do you find identical twins scary?
Answer here
ill opt for mutual disinterest with the immediate family, and a lack of distant extended family where these things could happen unknowingly
be manipulative
I've Just Begun (Having My Fun) by Britney Spears . . . "I'm just a crazy kind of girl ... inside me there's something that I found ... sometimes I let temptation go too far and get the best of me ..." etc etc
was jesus a jew? she of course he was
fitting for a heretic
Are you more of a talker or more of a listener?
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im really hoping i passed my last semester of uni and will be able to go to a graduation ceremony, im also looking forward to re-joining my writers group and doing something creative
eyebrows, a good clean strong eyebrow is the anchor to a face, and also androngyny
not a big fan of horror for horrors sake, if it has something else going for it (humour, wider themes) then an element of horror is not off-putting
its never the whole truth, and its only as reliable as its sources, i generally like to do my own fact checking on the internet
teaching my pet panthers not to claw my velvet walls
only if it somehow incorporated actual snuff and i could inhale powdered tobacco
Ironman, hes an engineer not a spoilt sulky trust fund kid
Step Brothers (possibly the most clever script ever written), Last Days (haunting and unforgettable), Eye Of The Beholder (just like my dreams)
the flexibility of a domestic cat
i love your Transformers reviews, i think you are friendly and analytical
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
similar to Rhys Ifans in Little Nicky
Have you seen the new Newcastle Writers Group page? http://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Writers-Group/227348753943731 (please like!)
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I would really appreciate it if you could all click like on the page and support a community-based creative writing initiative in regional Australia.
Share links to other creative writing or poetry groups or workshops in your local area. Share your blogs or other writing endeavors. We can create a virtual writing network.
Please share the Newcastle Writers Group with any budding writers you know in Newcastle, the Hunter Region, New South Wales, Australia, or the world.
Thanks for the support.
Morgan :)
wattle . . . i dont care if i give people hayfever
its a toss up between Ruby Hamad and Germaine Greer
Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde, and Andy Warhol.
Me from a year ago, I had so much more time on my hands.