thats kind of a trick question, because a work place that would impose such a requirement will likely have an overall religious culture and it would probably permeate every minute and every aspect of your working life, so i would say no, its a bad sign
its a toss up between getting out of bed in the morning, and getting to sleep at night, i find it hard to transition from one mode to another
no i dont think i would, i find it so hard to get nice fitting clothes that i like, im sure all the designer clothes would be in a size 6 . . . however if i had a team of tailors at my disposal for a week i would be in
i would support there wishes, ive always wanted a little drag baby
rap is a vocal style of fast spoken word (as opposed to singing) and hip hop is the style of music in the background . . . i think
i think that would be awkward, i dont believe in romance . . . however if they wanted to buy me a car perhaps i could overlook it
i would love to live alone in a fully renovated terrace, or unit with a balcony
if you were a Michael Jackson style person with a Neverland ranch what would be the first three animals you would buy?
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have you ever complained to your local Council or local MP/Congressman/elected official? what was it about?
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top three dresses seen at the 2012 Oscars?
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is it weird to name your pet the same name as a family member or close friend?
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is it weird to name your baby after a tv character?
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i thought you were a woman
does Rick Santorum's idiocy make you reconsider whether the British are right in not allowing Catholics to be head of state?
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do you like facial hair on men?
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if you were on death row what would you order for your last meal?
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do you think new mothers should be allowed to bring their babies to work?
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the gay prude, we will have to get onto that
i dislike fencesitters, although they probably have less drama in their lives
5 longnecks of VB and a packet of alpine original
what are these "dates" you speak of?
did anyone say yes to this?
i think politicians should represent the average joe, but the only way that would happen is if the positions were voluntary or minimum wage, then you would get people who were interested in providing a service to the community
i like what they do here now (australia) that you cannot leave high school unless you have a full-time job or an apprenticeship or tafe course to go to, i think thats fair
i really like Brave New World by Aldous Huxley at high school, and The Passion of New Eve by Angela Carter in university
i would really like to run a community centre/boarding house for low income gay people on oxford st, sydney, it would ideally have a cafe at street level to help people in times of unemployment
i only really get my hair done professionally, and i can go 3-6 months between visits
lateness, procrastination, manipulation, vengeance, sadness
absolutely yes, and i would possibly announce the name in the third trimester
cite a source or it didnt happen
yeah it will leave the whole world blind, but when it comes to encouragement for good behaviour (as opposed to punishment for bad) i do believe in reciprocity and nepotism
precautious slash white and middle class, there is a certain element of minorities being targeted while white middle class folk get a pass or a warning because of who they know or what strings they can pull, poor people are also more likely to engage in illegal activity just to pay the bills (hooking, dealing, fraud etc)
it is a potential human, if you make the decision to continue on with a pregnancy with the intention of producing a full term human baby you have a duty of care as a mother, however smoking and drinking is not illegal it is just warned against, the womans body is still her own
i dont think anyone argues that, they argue that a fetus is not a person, as personhood is defined in the law
i would like to see a decent adaption of Dorian Gray, it should star Jeremy Irons as Lord Henry, Ewan McGregor as Basil, and Nicholas Hoult as Dorian
peace and quiet
Elizabeth Warren, Hilary Clinton, Michelle Obama . . . or Roseanne Barr
on a work day i like lunchtime
Chicken Little (2005) is one of the few animated movies i like, unfortunately it didnt make the list . . . however out of the Disney classics i like your inclusion of The Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty, they are the ones i remember most from my childhood
stopped a control freak from dictating who can park on a public road
i would like to think Jennifer Tilly, but im probably more of a cross between Roseanne Barr and Kathy Bates lol
probably 15-20 minutes for work
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being spotless, 1 being an episode of hoarders) how clean/tidy is your living environment?
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do you think humans are just extremely complicated robots?
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do you like having visitors in your house, or do you prefer to visit people?
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what would you do if a molotov cocktail got throw in your bedroom window?
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if you were told that you could choose a very early death or choose giving up alcohol, would you have to seriously consider it?
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would you sacrifice laughter for the rest of your life to never be depressed/anxious again?
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who do you think was telling the truth in the Eminem vs Mariah flame war? were they dating for 6 months and had sex once, or does she genuinely have no idea who he is?
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i would love it if that were true, we are all cylons
5 because i do a clear out once i cant see the floor
i think it is illogical to assume there could be a god, and yes i am an atheist
would you like it if cats/dogs had a closer lifespan to humans?
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i dont see how having everyone in the world be an idiot would advantage me
yeah they are ok, i like Money, Money Money
yes, i learnt about bankruptcy through others
better than a poke in the eye
do you think there is such a thing as an irredeemable racist, misogynist, homophobe, or classist, or can all prejudice be overcome with education?
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i think it would be scary for the first three days, and then we would adapt
no, i think you can be a fat successful man a lot more easily than you can be a fat successful woman
do you think "photo bombing" is funny?
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when you were a little kid in primary/elementary school did you get the bus, or walk, or have a parent drop you to the school gates in their car?
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do you think paid surrogacy is ethical?
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a writing desk
i like the Audi Q7
sleep late, a sleep is the greatest pleasure in the world
night person, im a zombie until lunch time
instant transportation, i just think of a location and beam myself there
no, but i do a lot of thinking in the shower
no, im a terrible cook, and a slow cook, i can only do simple things like microwaving and frying
if you have to twist someones arm to get them to spend time with you they are not worth spending time with
Funniest Home Videos would be banned for all eternity, and i would like to bring back The Riches and Arrested Development
it think if you are the type of person that refers to all women as "ho's" you've got a problem, and you should make time for both
in the morning do you wake up to the sound of a bleeping/ringing alarm, a radio alarm (if so which station?), your partner/parent wakes you, or are you a naturally early riser?
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favourite recent release song on the radio right now?
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if you had the option to work from home would you? if not, explain why not
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right now im into Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Hung, and Downton Abbey
lower, way way lower
for women the belly button ring and the tat in the small of the back, i dont know if they are as popular now but they were really overdone in the 1990s and 2000s
most attractive - forearm tattoos, lip piercings (not surprisingly where i got both of mine); least attractive breast cleavage tattoos and bull ring nose piercings and nipple piercings
top 5 favourite YouTubers right now
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why do people make YouTube vids where they are walking around in the wind, the camera is bobbing around, they are out of breath, you hear the crunch crunch crunch of their boots on the gravel, where is the value in this form of vid?
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do you strictly adhere to "used by" dates on food or do you think its more of a guide, or completely arbitrary?
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im a cranky old mole
that kind of happened in Bruno with all the stage mums
i think there has always been some mystique about the middle east, look at SATC2 movie, or I Dream of Genie
i changed jobs, so i have a more satisfying work life
ive mostly seen it in relation to rape, so guns probably werent involved, however im sure just seeing the word "trigger" and knowing it precedes a story about rape is probably as triggering as seeing the word "rape"
marry of course (well defacto), i am the ultimate companion
ha thats a really good idea, or you could earn points for every year you dont commit a crime and win a free holiday
not that i know of
love marmalade, jams and preserves are awesome
i do like my name, it is more work than a regular name because it is both unisex and a common surname (Morgan) so it often takes a bit of explaining, but it does suit me
i think cats like a surprising amount of alone time, and if you are at home too much they wont hang out with you